Friday, January 12, 2007

The Purpose.......

"Madiya Anubhava" is Sanskrit for "My Experiences" ........I am not a seasoned writer…..writing to friends via email to keep them up to date on my life and adventures has become difficult over the years. Describing your life doesn't always make an interesting reading, unless of course you have an eye for beauty, drama, and silliness. I have always cherished my experiences, and have always made a point to note them down; all of them are based on real events. What follows are some selected experiences of mine, I will keep adding to them as I write. Enjoy.

A lesson well learned....

This is a true incident that my father had narrated long time ago….. I will try to put it down in my words.

It was a hot Friday afternoon, the school was done for the day and there was nothing much to do. There was this new circus in the town, which he had heard about. In an instant it was decided that he will be going to the circus along with a friend.

Soon they were riding on his bicycle heading for the circus. His friend was riding the bicycle while he sitting behind him on the rack. In those days it was illegal for two people to ride the same bike at a same time (It might still be illegal today… I am not very sure). They knew it was illegal but the temptation of the circus was very hard to resist. As the moved along the unpaved streets, their eyes were constantly searching for the traffic policeman who might be standing just around the corner.

As they were passing through the market, they heard a sharp whistle blow, their nightmare had come true. A tall dark policeman asked them to stop, they obliged. “Don’t you know it is illegal”, he said pointing at the bicycle. My father started pleading but that was of no avail. “Both of you seem to be from good families, how you can guarantee me that you will not do this again”, he asked. They somehow managed to convince him, “I would let you go on one condition”, he said. By this time some curious onlookers had gathered around them.

“We would do any thing you say”, said my father. “Well, I will let you go, but for that you will have to slap each other, so that you will never break the law again”, said the policeman. This was a strange punishment, but since the policeman was not going to slap them they readily agreed and quickly slapped each other lightly and were ready to go. But the policeman was not going to let them go, he smiled at them and moved closer, still smiling he said “Haven’t you two had your meal this afternoon, I will show you how it is done” and without a warning he placed a tight slap on my fathers face, his friend also received one immediately. “This is how it is done, now go and enjoy the circus” he said pointing at the circus pavilion.

The whole crowd burst in to laughter. It was the most humiliating day of their lives but they had learned their lesson very well.